neurodeversity art exhibition


is an exhibition about how differently we see and feel the world, ourselves in it, relationships with others, about fragile bridges between "I" and "other", about the feeling of visibility/invisibility of oneself in society. 

TaLis Gallery Jerusalem presented painting, graphics, photography, digital art and objects by authors from 5 to 18 years old.

Let me be your friend

neurodeversity art exhibition


Through an intercultural art dialogue through various cityscapes among adult and child artists, the exhibition seeks to create a space of wondering, offering new perceptions of the way in which we understand the city of the future.
In some sections of the exhibition, children are invited to join in trying their hand at exploring the city. Visitors to the exhibition can share their ideas for urban innovation to create a better future in the urban space.  

The exhibition "DiverCITY" presents works by 27 artists – an integrated group of men and women, on and not on the autism spectrum, on and not on diverse range of neurological issues. The works were made during an Urban Art Lab developed and produced by the ArtNeuroVerse Biennale project, which invited artists from cities and countries around the world aiming to explore and research the life of the modern city and the urban environment of Hamecarer Gallery @hamecarer_therefrigerator from various aspects. The goal: to enable each artist's unique viewpoint to reveal to us new and unexpected ways of gazing at the city and to stroll through it.
The artists created in a wide range of mediums, from collage through video art. The works observe their childhood cities in different locations around the globe, trace the changes, engage in sensory sensitivities referring to public transportation, and exposing narratives of life in the city during wartime. They searched for and continue to look for the balance between order and chaos while researching various spaces and a wide range of strata of the city, such as protective spaces, sources of water, shadows in the streets, and more.